We Live Here. We Work Here. We Love it Here!
Founded in 2006, Old Oakland Neighbors (OON) is a volunteer-based community group made up of individuals who live and/or work in Old Oakland. We welcome area residents, businesses, and Old Oakland neighbors to join our grassroots community group by clicking the link under our logo in the right-hand sidebar.
Spring 2024 Update: OON Beat 3Y meetings are currently on pause as we seek a new chair, grow our board, and get active again! If you are a resident or connected to a business in Old Oakland and are interested in helping out or serving on our board, please email Brenda Ivey, Beat 3Y’s Neighborhood Services Coordinator, at bivey@oaklandca.gov and info@oldoaklandneighbors.org. Include basic information about yourself, your connection to Old Oakland, and a few things you think OON should focus on going forward.
In the meantime, if you are an Old Oakland resident or business owner, you can join our Google Group [here](google groups welcome page).
Our general email address is info@oldoaklandneighbors.org
Oakland Wiki Old Oakland page
Wikipedia Downtown Oakland page
Old Oakland boundaries as determined by Google Maps