We Are OO (Old Oakland)

November 12, 2011

To Whom It May Concern:

We Are OO (Old Oakland). There is no doubt we all understand the aims of the Occupy movement: a progressive tax structure, reigning in the K St/Wall St/Government hijacking, eliminating socialism for financial markets while everyone else bears the brunt of bailouts are ALL things we can AGREE on.
Likewise, we welcome the new found activism addressing these issues, which must be ongoing to effect change. Unfortunately, the encampment in Oakland has not maintained focus on the issues that initially brought it together.

We’ve read in the November 12 SF Chronicle that Mayor Quan brought forward several ideas regarding the campers that directly affect our neighborhood. One is soliciting for CityTeam at 7th St. and Washington to take in occupiers; the other offering historic Jefferson Square Park at 7th St. and Jefferson for an alternate site.

We are not aware of any consultation with Old Oakland Neighbors on these points. This is not right. Downtown residents and small businesses have born the brunt of effects to date of the occupy movement. We are emotionally and financially drained. Existing shelters should be inventoried to determine where the 400 occupiers can go. Mental health services should be allocated to assist with transition for the occupiers. If the City and County do not have the resources, then outreach to foundations, caregiver organizations, and companies should be ongoing.

There should be clear guidelines for lawful protest and activism, including clear rules for march permitting, designated open forum sites for lawful meetings, hours of operation, and rules of civil conduct.

The city should outreach to neighborhoods likely to be affected by the imminent dislocation of the plaza encampment.

As of the morning of November 12, a tent has been set up at Historic Lafayette Square Park at 10th St. and Jefferson. We have worked hard to renovate our parks and the rest of our neighborhood, and we need it to be respected. We live here. We work here. We love it here. We are Old Oakland Neighbors.


Ron Wolf                                                

Chair, Old Oakland Neighbors                    
Phone: 510/999.4OAK(625)                     

More about Old Oakland Neighbors:
Founded in November 2006, Old Oakland Neighbors (OON) is a volunteer-based community group comprised of folks who live and/or work in Old Oakland. We invite area residents, businesses, and other Old Oakland neighbors to join our grassroots community group. We live here. We work here. We love it here! For more information and to become a member, visit: http://OldOaklandNeighbors.org

History of Jefferson Square Park:
In the 1970s downtown Oakland was drastically impacted by the construction of freeways and public transit lines. With the sudden disappearance of the neighborhood in the late 1960s, this park became severely underutilized. In November 2010, Old Oakland Neighbors hosted a ribbon cutting for Oakland’s newest dog play area, basketball court and tot lot while celebrating the history and the future of this park. Read more at: www.10000stepsoakland.org/jefferson

Find this on Old Oakland Scribd here  http://j.mp/OON2011Occupy

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 71644

| Oakland | California | 94612

OldOaklandNeighbors.org | 510/999.4OAK | info@oldoaklandneighbors.org

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